

Getting Started with UIX

What is UIX?

UIX is a state-of-the-art TypeScript framework for developing full-stack web applications. With UIX, you can write frontend and backend code in a single Deno project. UIX abstracts away the complexity of communicating between servers and clients - there is no need to think about APIs, serialization, or data storage.

The DATEX JavaScript Library acts as the backbone of UIX, providing useful functionality such as reactivity, restorable state and cross-device data exchange.

UIX works out of the box with TypeScript and JSX and does not require any additional tooling or build steps.

UIX encourages the use of standard web APIs wherever possible, and provides a simple and intuitive abstraction layer for more advanced features.


The UIX Guide gives a comprehensive overview for developers who are new to UIX.

Main Features

UIX aims to simplify all phases of the app development cycle, including design, development, testing and distribution, in order to make the developer experience as convenient as possible. This is why UIX ships with integrated features such as:


To install UIX, you first need to install the Deno runtime on your system.

Install Deno

Install the Deno runtime using one of the terminal commands below.


Please ensure that the environment variables PATH and DENO_INSTALL are set as instructed by the Deno installer. For the following steps to work correctly, they are required.


Due to a bug in V8, UIX currently only works with Deno version 1.45.5.
Please change the version of your deno installation with deno upgrade --version 1.45.5

Install UIX

After having the deno runtime ready, you can install UIX on your system using the deno install command below:

deno install --import-map https://cdn.unyt.org/uix/importmap.json -Aq -n uix https://cdn.unyt.org/uix/run.ts

Make sure to restart your terminal or code editor after installation to make the uix command available.

Create a new UIX project

You can initialize a new UIX project by running

uix --init

This creates a new base project in the current directory and starts the app locally.


We recommend using Visual Studio Code for developing UIX apps.
For syntax highlighting and language support (DATEX, Typescript, Deno), the DATEX Workbench extension is required.

Running your UIX app

To run your UIX app, make sure the app.dx configuration file exists. Execute the uix command in the root directory of your application (where the app.dx is located) to initialize and run the project.


You can pass the following args to the UIX command line utility:

  • -p {PORT}, --port {PORT} - Specify the port
  • -b, --watch-backend - Automatically reload the backend deno process when backend files are modified
  • -l, --live - Automatically reload connected browsers tabs when files are modified
  • -w, --watch - Recompile frontend scripts when files are modified
  • -d, --detach - Keep the app running in background
  • -r, --reload - Force reload deno caches
  • -h, --help - Show the help page

  • --hod, --http-over-datex - Enable HTTP-over-DATEX (default: true)
  • --stage {STAGE} - Current deployment stage (default: dev)
  • --env {NAME=VAL} - Exposed environment variables (for remote deployment)
  • --clear - Clear all eternal states on the backend
  • --version - Get the version of your UIX installation
  • --init - Inititialize a new UIX project
  • --import-map {PATH} - Import map path
  • --enable-tls - Run the web server with TLS
  • --inspect - Enable debugging for the deno process
  • --unstable - Enable unstable deno features

To run your UIX project without installing the UIX CLI, you can alternatively run the following command in the project root directory:

deno run -A --import-map https://cdn.unyt.org/importmap.json https://cdn.unyt.org/uix/run.ts

Architecture of a UIX Project

In a UIX project, frontend and backend source code or other resources are combined in one single project.

└── uix-app/
    ├── backend/
    │   ├── .dx                 // Config file for the backend endpoint
    │   └── entrypoint.tsx      // Backend entrypoint
    ├── common/                 // Common modules accessible from backend and frontend
    ├── frontend/
    │   ├── .dx                 // Config file for the frontend endpoint
    │   └── entrypoint.tsx      // Frontend entrypoint
    ├── app.dx                  // App config file
    └── deno.json               // Deno config file

Per default, all files in the frontend directory are only available in browser clients (frontend endpoints), while files in the backend directory are only available for backend endpoints (Deno runtime).

With UIX Cross-Realm Imports, TypeScript/JavaScript/DATEX modules from the backend can be imported and used inside frontend modules.

Files in the common directory can be accessed from both the frontend and backend scope.

The UIX namespace

The UIX namespace can be imported with

import { UIX } from "uix"

This namespace contains some important global properties:

interface UIX {
    Theme: ThemeManager;           // UIX Theme manager to register and activate themes and dark/light mode
    cacheDir: Path;                // URL pointing to the local UIX cache directory
    context: "backend"|"frontend"; // current context in which the process is running
    language: string;              // language ("de" | "en" | ...)
    version: string;               // UIX version ("beta" | "0.2.0" | ...)

UIX development

Per default, a UIX app runs in the dev stage.

In this stage, special development features are enabled:

  • You can completely reset the current page state with CTRL+R
  • Error stacks for backend errors thrown during routing are displayed in the browser
  • Source maps for TypeScript files are available in the browser

Running UIX apps locally

Per default, UIX apps run on http://localhost:80. If port 80 is already in use, UIX automatically finds a free port.

You can also specify a custom port with the --port argument if this port is not available on your system or if you want to run multiple UIX simultaneously.


Keep in mind that the cookies are the same for all localhost apps, regardless of the port. This can lead to unexpected behaviour when opening multiple apps that are running on different localhost ports in the same browser (e.g. endpoint and themes might get overridden).

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