

Shadow DOM and Light DOM

UIX provides mechanisms to place child elements in slots inside Shadow DOM and Light DOM elements. While the Shadow DOM creates a completely encapsulated DOM which isolates all CSS styles from the parent DOM, the Light DOM also supports slots like the Shadow DOM, but is still part of the normal DOM.

Slots are a powerful feature in the Shadow DOM and Light DOM, allowing developers to inject children into specific placeholders within a UIX component. By assigning a name attribute to a <slot/> element and a matching slot attribute to child elements, you can control which content appears in which slot. If the slot within the template definition has no name attribute set, all children will be injected into the first slot of the component.

To define a shadow or light root for a component, you can use:

  • The <shadow-root>/<light-root> element: Add this element as the first child of the component.
  • The shadow-root/light-root attribute: Wraps the element into a shadow/light root element automatically.

Shadow Root

The Shadow DOM provides encapsulation for a component, separating its internal structure and styles from the rest of the document.

import { template } from "uix/html/template.ts";

class ShadowComponentWithSlot extends Component {}

// Create the component and add children
<ShadowComponentWithSlot id="c1">
    <div>Child 1</div>
    {'Child 2'}

will be rendered as:

<uix-shadow-component-with-slot id="c1">
        <slot><div>Child 1</div>
            ⮑ Child 2

The shadow-root attribute can be used like the following:

const ShadowTemplateWithSlot = template(
    <div shadow-root>
        Before children
        After children

// create the element
<ShadowTemplateWithSlot id="c2">
    <div>Child 1</div>
    {'Child 2'}

and will render as:

<div id="c2">
        Before children
        <slot><div>Child 1</div>
            ⮑ Child 2
        After children

Light Root

The Light DOM uses a <light-root> element to explicitly manage content placement in the component while allowing elements to participate in the global DOM structure. It’s important to understand that the content rendered in a light root is part of the global DOM structure. This means that it does not benefit from the encapsulation provided by Shadow DOM.

As a result, global styles, scripts, and DOM behavior can directly affect the content inside a light root.

        <slot name="heading"/>
        <slot name="content"/>
class LightComponentWithSlots extends Component {}

// Create the component and add children
<LightComponentWithSlots id="c3">
    <h1 slot="heading">Heading</h1>
    <div slot="content">
        My content!

will render as

<uix-light-component-with-slots id="c3">
        <slot name="heading">
            <h1 slot="heading">Heading</h1>
        <slot name="content">
            <div slot="content">My content!</div>

Slot placeholder content

Slots can also can also contain default content that is display until child elements are inserted:

const ItemList = template(
    <div shadow-root>
       No items added

// renders placeholder content "No items added" inside the slot
const list1 = <ItemList/>;

// renders list items inside the slot
const list2 = <ItemList>
    <div>Item 1</div>
    <div>Item 2</div>

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