

Eternal Pointers

The concept of eternal pointers allows DATEX-based applications to keep persistent data without the need for any third-party databases or other storage methods.

Pointer Lifetime

Pointers can exist beyond the scope of their origin endpoint both in space and time.

This means that a pointer can exist on other endpoints and keeps existing even if the original endpoint is deleted or offline, as long as there is still a reference somewhere.

Since pointers are identfied globally by a unique id, a pointer value can always be retrieved again from any trusted endpoint that still has a reference to the value.

Ensuring an eternal lifetime for local pointers

Pointers are not shared with the network per default, only when they are also used by another endpoint. This means that per default, pointers only exist in the local memory of an endpoint and are gone after the endpoint process is stopped.

Using the eternal/eternalVar label

To let a pointer exist beyond the lifetime of an endpoint, the eternal label can be used:

const users = eternal ?? $$(new Set<string>());

export function addUser(name: string) {

This guarantees that the users Set is only ever created once.

Even if the endpoint is restarted (page reload or deno process restart), the users variable will refer to the same pointer as before, meaning that any users added previously are still in the Set.

With the eternal label, pointers are not shared with the network. They are still only available on the origin endpoint per default, but also stored in the endpoint cache (.datex-cache directory or browser storage).

Using the eternal label can lead to problems when the source code is modified. For this reason, it is currently recommended to use the eternalVar function instead. You can pass a unique identifier to eternalVar to guarantee that the eternal pointer is always correctly mapped:

const users = eternalVar('users') ?? $$(new Set<string>());

The expression followed by the eternal value must be always enclosed with $$(). This ensures that a new pointer is created and is also necessary to bind the eternal pointer to the correct value within the JavaScript module.


You should only use eternal for native values (e.g. primitive values, Arrays, Sets, Maps). For custom classes and types, use lazyEternal.

The DATEX Script equivalent to creating eternal values is the init operator (:=):

ref users := Set ();

export function addUser(name: text) (
    users += name

In contrast to the eternal label in JS, the init operator can also be used for non-pointer values.

Using the lazyEternal label

Pointers created and restored with eternal/eternalVar are loaded at endpoint startup. This guarantees that eternal can be used synchronously (without await). For the following usecases, the asynchronous lazyEternal/lazyEternalVar label should be used instead of eternal/eternalVar:

  • A value that consumes lots of memory and is only actually needed when certain conditions are met
  • A value that requires custom JavaScript bindings (e.g. a struct class instance). JavaScript bindings cannnot be properly initialized at endpoint startup if the corresponding JavaScript class definition is not yet loaded.

The lazyEternal/lazyEternalVar label can be used the same was as the eternal label, only requiring an additional await:

import { User } from "user.ts";

const users = await lazyEternalVar('users') ?? $$(new Set<User>());

Resetting eternal state

Delete the .datex-cache directory or clear your browser site data. In UIX, this can also be achieved by running uix --clear.

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