


Creating endpoint references

To create a new reference to an endpoint, you can use the f shortcut function:

const myFriend = f `@alice`;
const notMyFriend = f `@+facebook`;

Accessing endpoint properties

Exposed endpoint properties can be accessed with the getProperty of an endpoint:

const myFriend = f `@alice`;
console.log(await myFriend.getProperty('name')); // Alice Here

// equivalent way with datex script:
console.log(await datex `@alice.name`) // Alice Here

Getting the online state of an endpoint

The online state of an endpoint can be requested with the isOnline() method. Alternatively, you can use the .online property of an endpoint object which contains a Pointer<boolean>.

Endpoint filters

Multiple endpoints can be combined in endpoint filters to define access permissions or receivers of a message.

Filters are based on DATEX logic types, which include Conjunction (and), Disjunction (or) and Negation (not). Those logical structures can be combined arbitrarily:

const mammals = new Datex.Disjunction(f`@mickymouse`, f`@bigfoot`, f`@leonmask`, f`@flipper`) // @mickymouse|@bigfoot|@leonmask|@flipper
const fish = new Datex.Disjunction(f`@nemo`, f`@dorie`) // @nemo|@dorie
const animals = new Datex.Disjunction(mammals, fish); // @mickymouse|@bigfoot|@leonmask|@flipper|@nemo|@dorie

const nonSwimmers = new Datex.Disjunction(f`@mickymouse`, f`@bigfoot`, f`@leonmask`) // @mickymouse|@bigfoot|@leonmask
const swimmers = new Datex.Conjunction(animals, new Datex.Negation(nonSwimmers)); // @flipper|@nemo|@dorie


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