

⚠️ Attention: This is not the latest version of the documentation.


UIX supports JSX syntax for creating HTML and SVG elements.

Creating native DOM elements

All native DOM elements (e.g. <div>, <p>, <img>, <svg> ...) can be created with JSX.

const section = 
    <div id="section-1">
        <h1 style="font-weight:bold">Title</h1>
        <p>First Paragraph</p>

In contrast to frameworks like React, the value returned by this JSX expression is an actual instance of an HTML div element.

You can directly append it to another element:


Supported attributes

For default DOM elements, all attributes that are natively supported by the element can be used. Components support the common attributes for DOM element (e.g. id, class, style or event handlers) per default, and can accept additional custom attributes defined in the component class or function.


Thanks to DATEX, elements created with JSX are inherently reactive, even if they are not declared inside a component function. JSX elements accept plain JavaScript values or DATEX Refs as attribute values and element contents. When passing plain JavaScript values, the component is not updated dynamically:

let myClass = "xyz";
const myDiv = <div class={myClass}></div>
myClass = "abc"; // myDiv class is still "xyz"

To achieve reactive behaviour, you need to pass in a Ref value:

let myClass = $$("xyz");
const myDiv = <div class={myClass}></div>
myClass.val = "abc"; // myDiv class is now "abc"

Conditional rendering

With conditional rendering, specific elements are only rendered if a certain condition is met. There are multiple ways to achieve conditional rendering with UIX.

Using always

The always transform function autmatically recalculates the result value when one of the dependency refs inside the function changes. In this case, it is recalculated each time the value of showDialog is updated.

const showDialog = $$(false);
const myDiv = <div>
    My Div
    {always (() => showDialog.val ? <div id="dialog">My Dialog</div> : <div/>)}

Using toggle

With the toggle function, you can achieve the same effect as with the always function, but it is more efficient, because the return values are only every created once. The toggle function switches between to values, depending on another value (in this case, showDialog):

const showDialog = $$(false);
const myDiv = <div>
    My Div
    {toggle (showDialog, <div id="dialog">My Dialog</div>, <div/>)}

Using the display style property

A different approach for conditional rendering is setting the display style property to a ref: When showDialog is false, display is none and the div is not rendered. Otherwise, display is block and the div is visible.

const showDialog = $$(false);
const myDiv = <div>
    My Div
    <div id="dialog" style={{display:showDialog}}>My Dialog</div>

Special attributes values

Event handlers

Every attribute value can be set to a DATEX pointer. When the pointer value changes, the attribute is also updated.

Some attributes support special values. For example, all event listener attributes (on[event]=...) can take a callback function as a value.

const btnDisabled = $$(false);

export default
        <button disabled={btnDisabled}>Button</button>
        <button onclick={()=>btnDisabled.val=false}>Enable</button>
        <button onclick={()=>btnDisabled.val=true}>Disable</button>


The style attribute accepts a string or an object with style declarations. The style properties can be pointer values that get dynamically updated.

export default <div style={{color:'blue', padding:'10px'}}></div>
// increase border width every 1s
const borderWidth = $$(0);
setInterval(()=>borderWidth.val++, 1000)

export default <div style={{borderStyle:'solid', borderWidth}}>content</div>
Special style values

Most style properties are assigned to strings. The following style properties also accept other values:

  • display: The display property accepts a boolean value. If the value is true, display is set to the default display value (e.g. display: block for a div). If the value is false, display is set to none.


Similar to the style attribute, the class accepts a string or an object. The object must contain the potential class names as properties and booleans as the corresponding properties, indicating whether this class should be activated.

Simple class string:

export default <div class="main big"></div>

Class object:

const enableBig = $$(false);
export default <div class={{main: true, big: enableBig}}></div> // results in class="main"

// ...
enableBig.val = true; // div class gets updated to class="main big"
// increase border width every 1s
const borderWidth = $$(0);
setInterval(()=>borderWidth.val++, 1000)

export default <div style={{borderStyle:'solid', borderWidth}}>content</div>


All attributes that accept a path as a value (e.g. src, href) can be set to paths relative to the current module (For additional information check out uix-module in Supported Attributes).

Relative paths in element attributes are always resolved correctly on the backend and on the frontend.

// backend/entrypoint.ts
export default {
    '/img1': <img href="../common/images/1.png"/>, // file is in common directory: can be resolved on the frontend
    '/img2': <img href="./res/images/2.png"/>, // file is in backend directory: only accessible on the backend, not available on the frontend!
// frontend/entrypoint.ts
export default {
    '/img3': <img href="../common/images/3.png"/>, // file is in common directory: can be resolved on the frontend
    '/img4': <img href="./res/images/4.png"/>, // file is in frontend directory: accessible on the frontend

If you need paths that are relative to the current URL as displayed in the browser, you can use the special href:route attribute:

// frontend/entrypoint.ts
export default {
    '/some/path' : <a href:route="./other-path"/>, // resolves to "/some/other-path"
    '/some/other-path': "Hello there"

Instead of strings, URL values can also be set as path attributes.

Checkbox checked attribute

The special checked attribute of a checkbox element can be use to set or get the checked state of the checkbox:

// create new isChecked pointer bound to the "checked" state of the checkbox
const isChecked = $$(false);
export default <input type="checkbox" checked={isChecked}/>

// observe isChecked pointer
isChecked.observe((checked) => console.log("checkbox is checked: " + checked))

Form actions

The action attribute of a <form> element can be an URL / string containing the URL of the form request, or a callback function that is triggered on submit.

The return value of that function is rendered on the page and must be a valid Entrypoint value (e.g. an HTML element, a string or a Response object).

// backend/entrypoint.ts

// this function gets called when the form is submitted
function handleForm(ctx: Entrypoint) {
    // ...
    return "Form submitted"

// form
export default 
    <form action={handleForm}>
        <input type="text" name="username"/>
        <input type="password" name="password">
        <button type="submit">Login</button>

Other UIX-specific attributes

There are a few special attributes for uix-specific functionality:

  • uix-module: specify the module path which is used as a reference for relative paths, e.g.:
     <img uix-module={import.meta.url} src="./relative/path/from/current/module/image.png"/>
    This is only required for compatibility with Safari. In other runtime environments (e.g. Deno), the import.meta.url is always automatically inferred and does not have to be explicitly set.
  • datex-pointer: boolean (set to true if the element should be bound to a pointer. Pointers are automatically created for elements that are sent over DATEX. Per default, only class components are automatically bound to a pointer.

Creating components

Components defined with functions or component classes can also be instantiated with JSX. In addition to the default DOM element attributes, all component options can also be set via JSX attributes:

const comp = <MyComponent style="color:green" text="text content"/>

Using the HTML utility function instead of JSX

As an alternative to JSX, you can also use the HTML function which provides exactly the same functionality as JSX with JavaScript template strings.


const count: Datex.Pointer<number> = $$(0);
const div = 
        <p>Count: {count}</p>
    </div> as HTMLDivElement


const count: Datex.Pointer<number> = $$(0);
const div = HTML`
        <p>Count: ${count}</p>
    </div>` as HTMLDivElement

In contrast to JSX, the HTML function does not require an extra transpiler step and can also be used in plain .js files.

DATEX Injections

Besides JavaScript injections (with ${}), the HTML function also supports reactive DATEX code injections with the #() syntax:

const count = $$(0);
const div = HTML `<div>next count: #(${count} + 1)</div>`

The expression inside #() is always handled as a transform function that results in a new reactive pointer avlue.

This is equivalent to a JavaScript always() transform function

const div = HTML `<div>next count: ${always(() => count + 1)}</div>`

or a DATEX always command

const div = HTML `<div>next count: ${always `${count} + 1`}</div>`

JSX return types

TypeScript currently does not support dynamic return types for JSX declarations. This means that all JSX-generated elements must be explicitly cast to the correct class. The same is true for elements created with the HTML function.

const anchor = <a href="/link">Link</a> as HTMLAnchorElement
const anchor = HTML `<a href="/link">Link</a>` as HTMLAnchorElement

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