

⚠️ Attention: This is not the latest version of the documentation.

Styles and Themes

External style sheets

To apply css styles to a component in a module my_component.ts, you can create a CSS or SCSS file next to the module file, called my_component.css or my_component.scss.


Although SCSS is supported natively by UIX, we recommend using CSS files rather than SCSS files. Modern CSS already includes most of the features that are provided by SCSS. For this reason, CSS support might be completely removed from UIX in the future.

The styles declared in this file are automatically adopted for all instances of the component and are not exposed to other components.

You can use the :host selector to access the component root element (also when not using a shadow dom).

If you need to apply styles to elements outside of a component, you can define general global styles in an entrypoint.css file next to the entrypoint.ts file.

Inline styles

Another way to add css rules to a component is to use inline styles with the @style decorator:

@style(css `
  div {
    background: red;
    font-size: 2em;
class MyComponent extends Component {

The @style decorator accepts a CSSStylesheet as a parameter. The best way to create this stylesheet is using the css template function.

Element-scoped styles

Besides setting individual css properties on the "style" attribute of an element, you can also use the custom UIX "stylesheet" attribute for applying a stylesheet to the scope of the element.

// normal "style" attribute:
export default <div style="color:red">...</div> 

// "stylesheet" attribute:
export default <div stylesheet="./myStyle.css">  
/* file: myStyle.css */

/* applies to the outer div*/
:scope {
  color: green

/* applies to all h1 elements contained in the div*/
h1 {
  font-size: 2em;

This is the preferred way over putting styles in the entrypoint.css or a custom theme stylesheet, because the styles are always scoped to the element in which they are needed and never leaked out to other elements in the DOM.

Element-scoped styles can also be used inside function components, which do not support external style sheets like class components.


This feature only works in browsers that support the experimental @scope block.

The css template function

The css function creates a CSSStylesheet from any valid css string (@import directives are not allowed). Additionally, it supports reactive properties:

const fontSize: Datex.Ref<string> = $$("10px")
const stylesheet: CSSStylesheet = css `
  h1.big {
    font-size: ${fontSize};
    color: ${it => it.myColor};
fontSize.val = "20px"

In this example, the font-size property is bound to a pointer, and the color is bound to a computed value, where it references an element for which the selector is applied.


Via the UIX.Theme namespace, global themes can be registered and activated. Themes can be defined as dark or light mode themes.

Per default, UIX automatically decides which mode (dark or light) to use, depending on the preferred OS mode.

The default themes provided by UIX are uix-light and uix-dark.

Registering custom themes

Before a custom theme can be used, it has to be registered:

// register a new theme
  name: 'my-custom-light-theme',
  // light or dark mode (can be undefined if the theme doesn't respect dark/light mode preferences)
  mode: 'light', 
  // custom css variables (e.g. var(--border-color-1))
  values: {
    'text': '#eeffee',
    'border-color-1': '#ffaa00'
  // custom globally applied stylesheets
  stylesheets: [
  onActivate() {
    // called when theme is activated
  onDeactivate() {
    // called when theme is deactivted

Activating themes

Themes can be activated with UIX.Theme.useThemes. The first available (registered) dark-mode theme from the list is used as the new dark-mode theme, the first light-mode theme from the list is used as the new light-mode theme.

When UIX.Theme.useThemes is called, all previously activated themes are removed.

// activate themes - the current theme is selected depending on the dark/light mode preference
UIX.Theme.useThemes("my-custom-dark-theme", "uix-light-plain")

Themes should always be activated both on the frontend and backend. To prevent duplicate code, put the theme activation in a common module and import it from both the backend and frontend. Make sure that custom themes are also registered in a common module.

Manually overriding the mode

It is recommended to let UIX switch between the dark and light theme automatically, but you can override the current mode:


Observing theme and mode changes

For some use cases, it might be useful to change content or styling depending on the current theme or mode.

The theme and mode properties of UIX.Theme are bound to reactive pointers and can be used in combination with effect and always to react to changes:

effect(() => console.log(`Mode changed to ${UIX.Theme.mode}`));
    always(() =>
      UIX.Theme.mode == "dark" ?
        "Dark mode" :
        "Light mode"

Alternatively, you can directly access the underlying pointers with UIX.Theme.$.theme / UIX.Theme.$.mode.

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